RevostrapCarbontech Logo


The 20 second leak repair system!


Carbontech introduces the Revostrap smart system to our arsenal to combat enduring site complications of leaking defects. It is not an industry secret that no composite repairs can be wrapped over active leaks. Revostrap smart systems is the answer! The Revostrap smart system is lightweight, cost effective and very simple to use, it is the strongest temporary leak sealing strapping device on the market.


How it Works

The Revostrap is designed to arrest live process leaks FAST!

The low-profile systems allow for easy overwraps for permanent repairs.

The entire system is designed from lightweight, durable composite materials

This is a 20 second process!

The system comes with various bung sizes and hardness’s for various defect types and sizes

Features & Advantages

  • 20 second installation time
  • Leaking defects up to 35 BAR
  • Operating temperatures up to 110°C/230°F
  • Non corrosive and non-conductive
  • Low profile for composite overwraps


  • Oil and Gas
  • Petrochemical
  • Chemical
  • Transmission pipelines
  • Potable water supply & Many more


  • Diver friendly for underwater applications
  • Temporary leak repairs for composite overwraps
  • Large piping diameters
  • All piping Substrate
  • Seal holes up to 19mm Dia

All the resources and facts you need.

Product Resources

Product Sheets

Product Sheets

Chemical Resistance Charts

Chemical resistance Charts

Cure Charts

Cure Charts

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